This week signaled the beginning of the end of my time in Gulu. What a bittersweet week this has been! I have loved spending time in Gulu. When I first arrived, I had a hard time picturing how I would fill up my time. Yet, now that the days are fast coming to an end, I find myself having more things to do than time to do them.
I feel pretty satisfied, though, with what I have done and accomplished. I have learned a lot – about Acholi culture and language, about how to get around town, about the school system up here, about Vocational schools and requirements, and about how Hope Alive! Gulu operates. I have met many new friends and gotten to know old friends better. I have eaten new foods (white ants!). I have established new routines and new relationships with different business people throughout town (i.e. a shopkeeper, a market vendor, skirt seller, hotel staff, food maker, etc.). I will miss this place. It is difficult to leave. Yet I am looking forward to being home again, having a kitchen, and seeing my friends in Kampala once again.
Here are a few pics from the week:
Kacie and I after a really long, dusty boda ride. (We were literally covered head to toe in dust, with it caked on our faces. The picture does not do it justice!)

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